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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries




Jean-Louis Giavitto was reviewer of the Habilitation of Arnaud Banos (Sorbonne – Paris I, Pour des pratiques de modélisation et de simulation libérées en géographie et SHS) and examiners for two PhDs: Mariem Miladi (SupMeca, Modélisation géométrique et mécanique pour les systèmes mécatroniques) et Adrien Basso-Blandin (Université d'Evry, Conception d’un langage dédié à la conception de fonctions biologiques de synthèse par compilation de spécifications comportementales).

Arshia Cont has acted as Reporter for two Habilitation juries in 2014, for Cédric Févotte (University of Nice) on Non-Negative Matrix Factorization and Its Applications, and for Brunno Bossis (University of Rennes 2) on Musicological Tools for analysis of Live Electronic Music.

Institutional commitment

Jean-Louis Giavitto is in the management team of the GDR GPL (Genie de la programmation et du logiciel), responsible with Etienne Moreau of the “Languages and Vérification” pole of the GDR. He is also and expert for the ANR DEFI program and a reviewer for FET projects for the UC.

Florent Jacquemard is member of the IFIP WorkingGroup 1.6 on Term Rewriting.

Arshia Cont is the director of Research/Creativity Interfaces at Ircam, in charge of coordinating scientific and artistic activities of the institution and dissemination of its software and community through Ircam Forum.

Arshia Cont is board member of ICMA (International Computer Music Association) since 2014.